
January 11, 2023

Crossmark 10 Predictions for 2023 White Paper

Global financial assets experienced near record volatility in a generally hostile environment for investors given that the Fed and other central banks left themselves exposed to a rise in inflation
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January 3, 2023

10 Predictions for 2023

The Fed Calls the Shots
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December 2, 2022

History of Values-Based Investing

The first seeds of values-based investing were planted thousands of years ago and set the framework for today’s approaches to responsible investing.
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September 14, 2022

Dividends – What’s All the Excitement?

Dividends and dividend-paying stocks are getting renewed attention in recent months.
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April 20, 2022

 10 Predictions for 2022 – Q1 2022 Update 

Our view is that the equity market is in a tug of war between a good earnings tailwind and a modest valuation headwind
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March 3, 2022

Accepting Average – The likelihood of mediocre future returns

Over the last 10+ years, U.S. equity outperformance has been caused by increased profit margins, the accretive impact of share buybacks
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January 11, 2022

10 Predictions for 2022

Tug of war between earnings tailwinds and valuation headwinds
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December 15, 2021

The Tall Tale of the Trade-Off

Values-based investing popularity is on the rise among today's investors. But the myth of a performance trade-off seems to still linger in clients' minds. So, is there any truth to that myth?
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September 16, 2021

Inflation – Yes or No?

The inflation outlook has become a hotly debated topic in recent months. So far, this has had only a minor impact on financial asset pricing, but bond yields may be a coiled spring at risk of
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January 13, 2023

Going Global – Why Invest Internationally?

Home country bias is defined as the tendency of investors to invest in companies from their own country over companies from other countries or regions. This bias may be the result of investor familiarity
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