With the US economic outlook, would the Fed consider cutting rates? Chief Market Strategist Victoria Fernandez joins Fox Business to discuss earnings expectations and the potential moves of the Fed in 2019.

March 4, 2019 Courtney Folkerts

Retirement Investments Through a Different Lens

March 4, 2019 Courtney Folkerts

Explore retirement investments through the strategic perspective of Equity income and Fixed Income Products. Read More >

Could a second government shutdown spark a greater market reaction than the first? Chief Market Strategist Victoria Fernandez joins CNBC to share her insight on how the potential shutdown could set the playbook for the debt ceiling later this year.

February 21, 2019 Courtney Folkerts

We’re seeing a lot of momentum moving forward. Chief Market Strategist, Victoria Fernandez, talks about consumer confidence turnaround in the market with CNBC.

February 21, 2019 Courtney Folkerts

With a rising labor force participation rate, what could this mean for the economy? Victoria Fernandez, Chief Market Strategist, returns to the Squawk Box on CNBC to discuss the January job report, potential inflation and the possible rise of the Federal Fund rates later this year.

February 21, 2019 Courtney Folkerts

“Earnings is going to be key going forward,” Chief Market Strategist, Victoria Fernandez discusses the current sentiment in the market along with the fundamentals we are looking at.

February 21, 2019 Courtney Folkerts

Crossmark’s CEO is appointed to the Executive Board of the Clint Capela CC 15 Foundation

February 20, 2019 Courtney Folkerts

Environmental, Social, and Governance data: how useful is it? Zachary Wehner, Portfolio Manager, believes issues-based data may be a more reliable indicator.

January 2, 2019 Courtney Folkerts

“The bond market always seems to have it’s own story to tell.” Victoria Fernandez, Chief Market Strategist, discusses the flattening yield curve and and why it doesn’t necessarily mean that a recession is imminent.

January 2, 2019 Courtney Folkerts

Victoria Fernandez, discusses findings from Crossmark’s recent values survey along with how regulation could help to increase opportunities in ESG investing

January 2, 2019 Courtney Folkerts